Rebecca Ogge LLM, LLB, BSc
Rebecca has enjoyed nearly 20 years as a lawyer in Family Law and Sports Law.
After relocating with her parents and siblings in the late 1980s from Melbourne to Queensland, she completed her schooling on the Gold Coast in 1997 and returned to Melbourne to study a Bachelor of Science (majoring in Human Anatomy and Physiology) at University of Melbourne. She then decided to follow in the footsteps of her Dad and paternal family and studied Law.
As an accredited specialist family law arbitrator and accredited mediator, Rebecca’s practice has moved from providing legal advice to individual clients to now primarily accepting appointments to arbitrate and mediate family and sporting disputes and she sits on several Tribunals including the National Sports Tribunal, Football Australia Dispute Resolution Chamber and Volleyball Australia.
Rebecca holds a Master of Laws from the University of Melbourne after completing courses in sports Law and court and advocacy and is a specialist accredited family law arbitrator and an accredited mediator. Rebecca has completed the decision making and advanced decision-making courses at the Council of Australasian of Tribunals.